I was awoke by a loud bang and half the neighbors were out the front before me. What I saw next was unbelievable. The driver had smashed into my Holden Omega. He took a quick look then drove off!
What do i do now? How do I get to work? How do I find this guy? Many thoughts were racing in my mind. My Holden Omega was my only form of transport. The early Sunday morning that is usually stress free turn into a grinding my teeth kind of day.
What to do next?
Not much I could do but get a few smash repair quotes near me and hopefully it would not be too expensive as I have five kids a mortgage, a wife who likes online shopping more that me! So I was stuck as I have no insurance. Then
Monday Magic happened!
The driver came back with his Insurance details and was so sorry that he drove off as he was scared and had time to think of his actions and wanted to do the right thing. For me that was a major relief.
The claim was an accident not my fault claim. I given a hire car for the whole repair process. On pick up my car looks brand new. .
Easy claim, easy process.